
26-year old female, palo alto based, ivy league educated engineer, loves dancing

"I am so thankful to Linx for introducing me to my boyfriend. I was new to California and saw Linx as a great way to meet someone. I knew online dating wasn't for me. As much as it seemed to make logical sense, I just wasn't comfortable putting my information and interests out there for anyone to see. A personal, real-life matchmaker who keeps my information private is far more appealing. 

At first sight of my match, I was excited and maybe a bit surprised to see how handsome he was. I was even more thrilled to find out how amazing, sweet, smart and funny he is. We instantly clicked and became exclusive almost immediately. Every day with him makes my life that much happier. I've dated smart men and I've dated good-looking men but he has it all and is really a quality man with a good heart who I see in my future. I like to think we are meant for each other."